Felicity the Serving Wench, Maude the Chamberwench, and Rosemary the Stablemistress, all dressed in very different outfits, take turns to gradually gunge each other completely, with red, green, and blue gunge.
Felicity wears: Bavarian wench dress, dark tights, fancy black heeled strappy shoes.
Maude wears: Blue polycotton dungarees, black swimsuit, see-through ankle boots.
Rosemary wears: Black jodhpurs, white polo-shirt, black wellies.
They take turns to be gunged, Felicity first, then Maude, then Rosemary. With each turn they get two more pints of gunge poured into or over their outfits. They start with simple clothes filling, blue gunge fills Felicity's wench dress, red gunge flows down inside Maude's dungarees, and green gunge is soon filling Rosemary's polo shirt and jodhpurs. As they go on they get a bit wilder and sillier with each other, and make each other sit in things, fill their boots, throw gunge at each other, until all three girls are reduced to a technicolor mess of total slime. Heads and faces get the full treatment too, so all three girls end up utterly covered in mess from head to toe.
Technical: The messy scene is almost half an hour long, split into two videos. There is full original sound on both videos, and you also get a very large high-resolution photoset which also includes the hosedown. The still photo zip files are available via the Bonus Content link when you buy the scene.
Enjoy! They did!