37 scenes
Scenes by Purity
 Love you, too
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Meet Purity, the Langstonedale artist in residence, half-wild, with a mysterious past, who chooses to live beyond the Hall, in a tumbledown cottage a few miles along the long-abandoned road to the old North Gate, a gate that's been chained shut for more than two hundred years.
All through the summer months Purity can be found out and about on the estate, sometimes singing under the willows down by the river, or painting landscapes down by one of the little becks, or up on the rugged moors of Langstonedale Chase.
Of course, this wandering about does give plentyful opportunity for taking a dip in the waters. After all, how can you properly get to know a landscape unless you bathe in the wates? And of course, like everyone else on her ladyship's lands, Purity prefers to take the waters fully clothed, none of that bikini business for her.
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